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Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Supports

 My Cell Phone

Who could ever live without their CELL PHONE? Not I. My cell phone not only serves as my form of communication to the world, but it is also my calendar/planner, calculator, GPS system when traveling, camera when I need to capture a moment, internet when my laptop is not present, and provides inderect conversing when I do not really want to speak, aka TEXT.

My Contact Lenses

Unfortunatley, I am as blind as a bat. So it is imperative that I wear my contact lenses or else Id be seeing nothing other than colors of blur. As part of my job, I travel a lot from house to house and meet with many families, I could not imagine trying to perform these duties without my biomedic55's!

My Friends!

I am the first of my family to attend college or even work in the career field of my choice, therefore it is easiestto relate to my friends. We are all going through this post-graduate/ career driven/ self- learning stge of life. It makes it easy to be able to call up some friends and discuss or joke about all the things we have in common and be supportive for one another through this journey.

I would imagine that one challenge would be the challenge of communication/ language. Communication is major is everyones lives. It is nearly impossible to go on an entire day without communicating in some way.  I am currently in a position where I am responsible for families who have dominant languages that are not English. I am familiar with some spanish, but not enough to hold a great conversatioon, and I feel so bad watching the parents and their children struggle to communicate with me in english.  In 2010 I traveled to France. I was so culture struck and had such a hard time communicating with the French that I chose to just give up and not communiucate ( other than saying Bonjour) with anyone other than my friends. I couldnt even say FRENCH FRY. It was so discouraging. I have recently invested my money in an electronic translator for those sudden moments where I come across someone who speaks another language. I am also trying to learn basic signs of sign language for those who are not able to voice whts on their minds.