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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

The site that I have been keeping up with is NEA; National Education Association  ( Everything about this site relates to my profession. Its all about education! From the educational goals to the tools and ideas for teaching, I am loving this site!

The one thing I would wish would be included in the site is more early childhood focused topics. Many of the educational issues, grants and information deal with those in elementary school and so forth, although teaching tactics can be applied to ANY classroom, it would be great to have the option to focus on what grade level best applies to you and your classroom. Nonetheless, it isn't too often that I go onto the site and  not come across articles or topics that catch my attention, or come across ideas that I can share with my fellow educational staff.

Although I have not yet come across many articles pertaining to the participation of economists, neuroscientists, or politicians, I am sure this information could be obtained in the grants and events section discussing representative, annual meetings, and annual meetings with staff and supporters from all over the world and from different professional friends, all in favor of enhancing education.

There is a lot of social media, video clips, and daily teacher articles that discuss and express issues and trends in and out of the classroom.  Educational gaps and funding are common issues expressed on this site. The highlight topics are currently core assessments, testing standards, supporting troops and high school graduation.