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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Research Around the World


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     I had the opportunity to review the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Site. The Site Is engaged in promoting scholarly and institutional  capacity in sub-Saharan Africa (
The current topic that I came across on this site was student success rate deriving from the ECDVU 's 17th year of  serving the citizens of Sub-Saharan Africa.

From this site I've learned that the Early Childhood Development Virtual University had been educating students from across sub-Saharan Africa and that the school has great success in achieving high completion rates. As stated on the site, "Year one – 90%, year two – 96%, year three – 100%"( the site, I was able to view the students major topic and theses titles, along with the name of the student and their location within Sub-Saharan African which I thought was very interesting to review. It was enlightening to see that these students in another country have such interest in certain topics such as "A Community-driven Rural Early Childhood Development Project, with Emphasis on Culturally and developmentally appropriate Exploratory Learning Concepts, Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development and Strengthening the Capacity of Grandparents in Providing Care to Children Less than 8 Years Old Affected by HIV/AIDs". 
    I look forward to looking into the site in the future to touch base on additional topics and interests of 
the students and compare them to topics and research that i too have interest in during my studies in 
Early Childhood Education.
Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 2016.,