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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Code of Ethics

Division for Early Childhood - Code of Ethics

Enhancement of Children’s and Families’ Quality of Lives 

3." We shall recognize and respect the dignity, diversity, and autonomy of the families and children we serve."

I believe that it is very important to respect the dignity and diversity of the families and children that I serve, I know I cannot assume that I can help everyone the same way. I realize that every child and every family is different therefore I must come up with different ways to better understand them and help them.

Professional Collaboration 

1." We shall honor and respect our responsibilities to colleagues while upholding the dignity and autonomy of colleagues and maintaining collegial interprofessional and intraprofessional 

I feel that one of the most important ways to create a successful educational team is to start by respecting colleagues and building a relationship with them. It bothers me when I hear one colleague talk down or challenge another instead of trying to work together. 

Professional and Interpersonal Behavior

3. "We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others. " 

Using new evidence and staying current with new data and resources to better serve children and their families is key, especially when trying to improve practices. I would never want to be put in a situation where someone comes to me for help or advice and I say I am not sure because I am not up to date on new information.

    These three ethics are most meaningful to me as a professional because they are all things that I strive to incorporate in my daily professional life.  I respect ethics, especially within a professional field. Ethics establish a code of conduct in which a person lives and makes decisions.  Within society and within the field of education ethics are what help professionals live up to the title. Following great ethics and morale transforms a teacher into a GREAT teacher and educator. They provide the guidelines for how we should communicate, take an educational lead, and perform at our highest level or professionalism within the field we choose. I hope, in all I do, that I display good ethics, professionalism and morale within my career as an advocate and educator. 


  1. Martissa,
    You have very informative post and the information provided me with a different point of view. I am new to the early childhood field,so the information that you gave was very beneficial for me. I want to personally say thank you because your post helped me personally and professionally.

  2. Martissa,
    I have been inspired to hear about your work with families and your passion to meet their needs. You are a person who truly brings professionalism to the Early Childhood field. I wish you well in all your future endevours.

  3. Martissa,
    Although I did not comment on your blog up until now, I still read your posts and I just would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas and personal experience. I hope to use some of your ideas in my work as I continue in the early childhood field. You are truly a passionate person and I wanted to wish you happy holidays and best of luck in all you aspire.
