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Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Connections to Play

“Play is the highest form of research.”
~ Albert Einstein (scientist)
The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.”
~ Plato (Greek philosopher)
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning…They have to play with what they know to be true in order to find out more, and then they can use what they learn in new forms of play.”                  ~ Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood)
“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul.”
                    Friedrich Froebel (founder of the concept of kindergarten)
       I never realized it until I was older, but many of the toys my mother bought for me were INDEED toys that would prepare me for adulthood. She was very big on play household items, such as vaccums, irons, kitchen sets, baby dollas and the strollers, carriers, bottles, easy bake oven, a toy register to help me learn the concept of money. One toy that I remember to be one of my favorites was a washing machine. You could REALLY put water and soap in a dispensor and watch your clothes spin, to say the least; al lof my baby dolls and barbie dolls had dish-washing and bubble bath fresh clothing! I also became really comfortable with technology, I LOVED nanos and tamagotchi pets, I collected them. I loved them so much because my mom would not let me have a dog, so I had as many computerized pets as I wanted. I couldnt find the perfect picture, but I also had an awesome compyter pad where I culd play games, learn to spell, learn math, and much more. It was my FAVORITE toy because I could take it anywhere with me, and no one ever beat me in the brain twisting games. Lastly, what girl didnt love Barbies. I took interest in collecting the dolls, the ken dolls, the kelly dolls, the pets, the clothes, the cars, EVERYTHING, I even had barbie lingerie, from a barbie line called fifth avenue. I was often alone or around a bunch of adults, so my family would always load me up with lots of toys to keep me busy and keep my mind going.
      Play today is totally different, and I see that as I watch my 6 yr old sister grow. She is so into technology, she doesnt have much of an interest in barbies. She loves riding her bike and being outside, but long hours of play just doesnt seem to be as popular with her and her friends, theyd rather listen to their radios, go on the computer,play make-up or play cell phone games (I believe society does push children to be more mature than they are). Because the technology is advancing everyday, her interest advances everyday, so many toys get thrown away because after a month she is no longer interested.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Relationship Reflection

People come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Each leaving behind their mark and a lifelong story. The relationships that we build with one another are for sure a blessing, regardless of what their purpose is in our lives and  regardless of how long term or shortly ended they are.

I have had many of different types of relationships. The first being the blood bonding relationship I have with my family.Without my family I would not be the person that I am today or have the motivation to strive to be exactly where I want in the future. My family is definitely in my life for a lifetime. I have three younger sisters that I can guide and watch grow and mature into young women, which to me is one of the beautiful cycles of life.

♪♫"Friends, how many of us have them? Friends, ones you can depend on."
My small circle of friends are are so very supportive and encouraging of all my ideas and successes. Many friends have come and gone, or must I say, have been a season, but the women that I have grown close to have a sisterly bond with are without a doubt amazing, and so wonderful to have to confide in and depend on.

A group of people that I would say have come into my life for a season, reason and lifetime. are my coworkers. I have formed strong friendships with many, learned much from some, and have been able to teach others. Either way, there is no doubt that the relationship formed with coworkers is a very necessary one. How else would I work so effectively with someone?  My favorite part of working, is the fact that I have hard working, dedicated people to work alongside with.

Growing up, I have learned that one of the difficult things about forming relationships is that you have to be willing to form a bond. You have to be able to trust, respect, and appreciate the person that you are forming a relationship with. You have to be able to not only talk but listen, not judge but guide, and the be able to accept their differences. As my grandmother would always say "Do onto others, as you would want them to do onto you." Maybe cliche, but it definitely holds so much weight and is so much easier said than done.
Rather a relationship is a personal or professional relationship, treating a person with the fairness and kindness that you would want in return is always key. Showing patience when patience is needed, lending a hand when a hand is needed, or offering a shoulder to cry on when crying is needed is showing that you are more than your title, but a caring, selfless individual. You never know, it may be you on the other end. Every relationship requires give and take, and as we all have heard  "to whom much is given much is required."

Sunday, March 3, 2013


In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children,
but what you have taught them to do for themselves
that will make them successful human beings.
-Ann Landers