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Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Family Culture

During a catastrophic event, where my family would have to evacuate the country and I was presented the opportunity to only bring 3 items that represent my family culture, I would bring, what I feel are the most important things to not only myself but my family. These 3 items would be a family cook book, the bible, and family photo albums.
Of the three, if only given the opportunity to choose one, I would choose the photo album. Although cooking is  a big part of my family culture, and there are recipes written from my great grandparents on up, I am positive that another one can be created. Most of the people in my family have no problem cooking without reading the ingredients or recipes, so I would have no major issue with leaving it behind. Hopefully my family and I would be able to remember them all. The bible is another book that I feel has been so prominent in our lives that many scriptures are stuck in our head and can passed on. Hopefully wherever we would relocate would have access to bibles. The photo albums are something that have photographs, holiday cards, letters, and other memorable items that tell the story of my families lives. This is something that cannot be duplicated, can not be re-written and can never be brought back if left behind.

I am glad to have taken the time to think about what best represents my family values. I have never done this before. Although I can think of so many things, I am positive that these three would be on the top of my family members list as well.

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