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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Web Resource

The website I have chosen is

On the site presently, there are four main highlights under the issue and trend topic:

1) Wanted: Educators Expertise on Student Assessments
2) How Hard will Budget Cuts Hit Your State?
3) Common Core State Standards
4) Experienced Educators share their Best Ideas
The Topic that made Editors Pick is
This website is just so informative, not only for parents but for professionals. The best thing about it, while looking through these articles is that it highlights all current issues that are going on and /or may be a concern to so many families and educators all over the world. I never get tired of gaining information on a topic that I KNOW will eventually come up in the workplace.
The one highlight that really caught my eye, with the current topic of culture and diversity at hand is the highlight putting emphasis on a specific culture.


Explore contributions to American history and culture with these multidisciplinary curriculum resources for all grade levels.
For those that are teachers or work inside of a school, this may be something to share in the classrooms.


  1. I love your blog! The pictures and the colors captivated me. Standarized testing issues are a big concern here in Illinois so it is great to see others stand up against it and win. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank You for sharing your resource. The information that you provided appears very helpful to early childhood professionals as well as future early childhood professionals.
