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Thursday, November 1, 2012

**SUNY @ ALBANY 2010**

                     "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you"
                                                                        B.B. King


  1. Oh Martissa , what a story,it brought back memories of when I was in school. I had a teacher ,who has gone on to be with the Lord. She took my shoes and through them out the second floor window.,because I was taking them off and on. A habit I learned to control. It had a lasting effect on me . And I will never forget that experence. See we are affected by things postive or negative .

  2. Love, love, love this quote! I've never heard it before now and it inspires me soooo much! I recall a time in high school when I was questioned for having a NHS fundraiser case in my hand by the librarian. She asked me what I was doing with the case and who did I steal it from becasue she knew that only members of the NHS were selling candy. At the time, I did not think it had anything to do with the color of my skin becasue I'd not been exposed to that before. But I remember thinking, "I'm smart. Why is it not okay for me to be smart?"
