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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Code of Ethics

Division for Early Childhood - Code of Ethics

Enhancement of Children’s and Families’ Quality of Lives 

3." We shall recognize and respect the dignity, diversity, and autonomy of the families and children we serve."

I believe that it is very important to respect the dignity and diversity of the families and children that I serve, I know I cannot assume that I can help everyone the same way. I realize that every child and every family is different therefore I must come up with different ways to better understand them and help them.

Professional Collaboration 

1." We shall honor and respect our responsibilities to colleagues while upholding the dignity and autonomy of colleagues and maintaining collegial interprofessional and intraprofessional 

I feel that one of the most important ways to create a successful educational team is to start by respecting colleagues and building a relationship with them. It bothers me when I hear one colleague talk down or challenge another instead of trying to work together. 

Professional and Interpersonal Behavior

3. "We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others. " 

Using new evidence and staying current with new data and resources to better serve children and their families is key, especially when trying to improve practices. I would never want to be put in a situation where someone comes to me for help or advice and I say I am not sure because I am not up to date on new information.

    These three ethics are most meaningful to me as a professional because they are all things that I strive to incorporate in my daily professional life.  I respect ethics, especially within a professional field. Ethics establish a code of conduct in which a person lives and makes decisions.  Within society and within the field of education ethics are what help professionals live up to the title. Following great ethics and morale transforms a teacher into a GREAT teacher and educator. They provide the guidelines for how we should communicate, take an educational lead, and perform at our highest level or professionalism within the field we choose. I hope, in all I do, that I display good ethics, professionalism and morale within my career as an advocate and educator. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Growing Your Collection of Resources

Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices
Part 2: Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being
Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations
Part 4: Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library
  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education
Additional Resources

- Administration for Children & Families

- Child and Family Services

- National Council on Educating Black Children

-Thompson, G. L. (2004). Through Ebony Eyes: What Teachers Need to Know But Are Afraid to Ask about African American Students. Jossey-Bass Education Series. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Quotes of Inspiration and Motivation




                    President William (Bill) J. Clinton

“We need to help younger people recognize their own capacity to do good, and help them discover the rewards of generosity.”

-"The future is not an inheritance, it is an opportunity and an obligation."



Marian Wright Elderman

"A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back - but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you."

Renatta M. Cooper

"It's not all about you. You have to take your ego out of it and think about what's best for this child."

Raymond Hernandez  MS Ed

"I'm not here to save the world, I'm here  just to make a difference in the community that I'm working."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


My Personal Childhood Web


Mother:  Growing up, my mother was always very sick with crohnes disease, therefore there was a lot of time missed between us. However, within the time we were together she was always nurturing, a bit over protective, and always made sure I stayed on my toes. She wanted to make sure I had the best upbringing possible so she introduced me to religion, she taught me to cook and clean, to be independent, strong, responsible, versatile and as she  would say to me "I don't want you to be like me, I want you to be Better than me", Such a task I always felt I had no choice but to accomplish. Now that I am older I know I have made her proud with my growth as a young woman and all  of my accomplishments,which she never hesitates to brag about, and she is proud to be able to see herself in me

Grand-Mother- My grandmother is like a second mother to me. She has always been there for every accomplishment and/or every hard time with the up most support, kind words of wisdom and warm heart.  I could write a book with every saying she had, never sugar coated and having so much lifelong meaning and purpose. I always admired her sass, strength and sophistication and aimed to emulate her style.  Now that I am older I see that the person that I am today has been molded so much by my grandmother and she never fails to remind me how glad she is of it. 

Aunt- My aunt was always like the perfect older sister. She brought so much fun and joy into my life, showed nothing but love and affection towards me. She spoiled me as though I was her own child and allowed me to confide in her as though she was my personal diary. I remember visiting her in college as a young girl, the visits  always stuck in my mind and I knew I HAD to go to college like my aunt. Growing up she always made sure I was up to date on my education and professionalism. She moved to different states a few times and I was always able to visit, which got me acquainted with traveling. I know the fact that I decided to further my education after high school and have such a passion for traveling to this day is because of her. 

Great-Grandparents- My Great- Grandparents always reminded me of where I came from, my history. You could always feel the love in their household. I loved all the stories and  treats I got from my grandfather and good southern meals I got from my grandmother. The thing I adored most as a child was their marriage.  They were married 60+ years and I always promised myself that I would be like them one day and have such a strong family foundation. 

God-Mother-  My god mother was a very kind woman. She introduced me to so many different things. I will always remember her for introducing me to different culture, and a different way of living. She taught me how to swim, took me horseback riding, camping, trying different foods and so many other great experiences that I was able to carry with me and share with others.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

During my time interning in a kindergarten class room, I got a chance to know the children very well. One little boy, I had noticed, never wanted to try to tie his own shoes. I went back and forth with him almost  every day I was there to try to get him to tie his laces himself. I tried to teach him the bunny ear technique, "make two loops and pull one through" technique, but he always threw his hands and said Miss. Martissa my mom and dad will do it at home. 

I visited the school the next year and saw the little boy in the hallway, he ran up to me with a hug and said with a huge smile Miss Martissa, I can tie my shoes now! 

Now to me, this was major. I knew that not only had he remembered me as the one trying to teach him how to tie his shoes, but I helped him with something (even though it may seem minor) that he will carry with him all his life <3

I thought I was THIS girl when I was younger...
I absolutely love this book. Grace is a girl  who knows exactly who she wants to be. I recommend it to all young girls, who love stories and have dreams!

**SUNY @ ALBANY 2010**

                     "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you"
                                                                        B.B. King

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lets GO! We're singing the Number ROCK

This is for those, like myself, who sing this song in their DREAMS! Gotta love these "Circle Time"  songs!

Because Every Child Deserves a HEAD START

      I guess one can say I'm passionate about my job. Here is a little bit about the program.